
Showing posts from June, 2017

Let Us Never Forget...

(Image source: Wikimedia Commons ) It costs to be a saint.   But woe to that man or woman who won't pay the price!   Let us never again forget, that only saints get into heaven!   If we really intend to get to heaven, it is high time for us to resolve to be a saint.  Rev. M. Raymond, O.C.S.O.

The Real Reason

Photo©Michael Seagriff The reason why we find life so hard, mortification so difficult, and why we are inclined to avoid all that we dislike, is because we have no real love for Jesus.  Father Charles Hugo Doyle

A Truth We Should More Often Recall and Practice

(Image source: Wikimedia Commons The Lord has given us the joys and pleasures of this world not only that we may enjoy them, but also that we might have an opportunity of making a sacrifice, by depriving ourselves of them for love of God. Father Vincent Carafa, S.J.

It's Been Awhile!

It has been awhile since I plugged my book here. Since so many seem to enjoy the quotations I share here each week from Forgotten Truths To Set Faith Afire! , I thought you might enjoy seeing the trailer again: