
Showing posts from June, 2018

Bears Repeating

Self-knowledge and humility grow as the soul moves onward. St. Teresa of Avila

Striking The Right Balance

(Image Source: Wikimedia Commons ) A humble and unschooled person with a holy and upright conscience is preferable to God over a well-read but proud scholar with great knowledge.  St. Catherine of Siena

Facing The Truth About Ourselves

(Photo©Michael Seagriff) Our Lord said one thing is necessary. What is this thing, which is so necessary?   It is that you should know that you are nothing. That is what you have, that is what you are, and that is who you are of yourself: nothing.  Johann Tauler, O.P.

Don't Stay As Your Are!

…The Lord accepts us just as we are…After the Lord accepts us as we are, He refuses to accept our staying as we are.   He calls us to repentance and growth in holiness…The Lord invites everyone to His wedding banquet. All are to come as they are, but not stay as they are.   We must put on the wedding garment of righteousness and holiness, or we will be bound and thrown ‘out into the night to wail and grind our teeth’ (Matthew 22:13). Come as you are to no longer be as you are!   One Bread, One Body – January 15, 2000