It's All About The Salvation of Souls
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Because the spiritual salvation
of the flock takes precedence over the bodily life of the shepherd [priest],
every spiritual shepherd should expend his bodily life for the salvation of the
flock. And this is what the Lord meant
when he said, the good shepherd lays down his life, that is, his bodily life,
for his sheep, that is, by authority and by charity. For each of these is demanded of the
shepherd, that he be responsible for the flock and that he love them. The first does not suffice without the
second. Indeed, Christ furnished us an
example of this teaching: if Christ laid down his life for us, so we ought to
lay down our lives for one another.
St. Thomas Aquinas
[This is just one of the 1200 inspiring and challenging quotations you will find in Forgotten Truths To Set Faith Afire! Words to Challenge, Inspire and Instruct
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