
Showing posts from March, 2021

Authentic Faith

(Image Source: Wikimedia Commons )     It is urgent to rediscover and to set forth once more the authentic reality of the Christian faith, which is not simply a set of propositions to be accepted with intellectual assent.   Rather, faith is a lived knowledge of Christ, a living remembrance of His commandments, and a truth to be lived out.  St. John Paul II (Pope)

The Forgotten Act Of Reparation

(Image Source: Wikimedia Commons ) Reparation is the act or fact of making amends. It implies an attempt to restore things to their normal or sound conditions, as they were before something wrong was done. It applies mainly to recompense for the losses sustained or the harm caused by some morally bad action. With respect to God, it means making up with greater love for the failure in love through sin; it means restoring what was unjustly taken and compensating with generosity for the selfishness that caused the injury.  (Servant of God - Father John A. Hardon, S.J. )

Be Truly Fearful

(Image Source: Wikimedia Commons ) [O]ne of the most troublesome things that we have to contend with in life is crippling fear.   God’s response is the gift of the fear of the Lord by which we are overawed by a sense of His greatness and of our longing for Him. This gift makes us fear ever losing One who loves us so much. And it sets us straight: we reject anything that would imperil our relationship with God. Father Peter Cameron, O.P.   

Where is the Zeal for the Salvation of Souls? Where Are The Tears?

St. Bernard said with tears that there was hardly one ship out of ten lost on the sea, but on the ocean of life there is hardly one soul saved out of ten. Ven. Louis Granada, O.P.

Aquiring Humility

(Image Source: Wikimedia Commons )   The more a soul has sorrow for its sins, the more it has peace, because confidence increases when repentance deepens.   The more pain he feels for having displeased God, the more the soul will hope that God will grant mercy and therein rests its joy.   The reason the number of saints is so small in the world today is that there are very few persons who have the courage to face up to their transgressions of God's law or are sufficiently confident to continue it long enough for it to prove effective.   The foundation of Christian perfection is humility, and humility can be acquired only by a deep knowledge of one's miseries, that is to say, of one's sins at their roots.  Father Charles Hugo Doyle     [This is just one of 1200 thought-provoking and faith-building quotations you will find in Forgotten Truths To Set Faith Afire! - Words to Challenge, Inspire and Instruct ]