The Origins of “Forgotten Truths To Set Faith Afire! – Words To Challenge, Inspire and Instruct”
Over the past fifteen years, God placed a tremendous hunger in my heart to study the Truths of our Catholic Faith. During that time, I highlighted and made photocopies of thousands of passages from various articles and books that had opened my eyes, stirred my soul and spoke to my heart. Much of what I have read, I had written on index cards and stored them in my desk drawer. Periodically re-reading this collection of timeless truths from Sacred Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, as well as from the spiritual insight of Popes, Church Doctors, Saints, bishops, priests, sinners and regular folk has had a significant impact on my life and spiritual journey.
Although I did not gather these quotations with the intent of compiling them into a book, I came to realize that many Catholics do not hear, know or live the fundamental truths of their Faith. Others are prompted to learn more but feel they do not have the time to do so. I also knew as a Lay Dominican, that I should not hoard these “Forgotten Truths” in my desk drawer for my exclusive reflection.
God kept after me to share these truths with others, knowing they would be a fruitful source of contemplation. That is the purpose of this book, its twelve hundred quotations, seventeen chapters and one hundred and fifteen topics.
Forgotten Truths is the recipient of the Catholic Writers' Guild's Seal of Approval and a perfect companion for this "Year of Faith" and an excellent tool for the "New Evanglization". It travels well on your Kindle. If you do not have one, you can simply download the appropriate and free Kindle Book App and put Forgotten Truths on your desktop, laptop, tablet, android or I-phone - making spiritual inspiration and nourishment instantly available to you any time you can steal a few minutes away from your daily routines.
Forgotten Truths to Set Faith Afire! Words To Challenge, Inspire and Instruct
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