
Showing posts from November, 2014

Do You Believe?

(Image Source: Wikimedia Commons ) Do you believe that any battle you face, be it in the courtroom, with co-workers, or over the boardroom table, is won by your skill, knowledge and power? Or do you believe that the battle is won by the Lord? You “know” the “right” answer; the question is do you believe it?  (From What Does God Require of You? by Betsy Miller )

Faith Is Like A Dark Tunnel

(Image Source: Wikimedia Commons ) “ Faith is like a dark tunnel: God gives us the Light to take one step at a time. The Light is not given to see the end of the tunnel.”   ( Venerable Father Walter Ciszek, S.J ).

Who Fills Your Heart?

(Image Source: Wikimedia Commons ) Your heart is like an infinitely  large hole, and only God                                                                            (Image Source: Wikimedia Commons )                        is big enough                        to fill it.                                                (Dr. Peter Kreeft from Because God Is Real: Sixteen Questions, One Answer )

Got Joy?

(Image Source: Wikimedia Commons )  "When we act in accord with God’s  will everything  is better.  God wants us to  be happy here in this world and  to be with  Him forever in the  next world.  The absence of joy is a sign that we are not living in accord with the will of God." (Father James M. Sullivan, O.P.)