"It is part of the discipline of God to make His loved ones perfect through trial and suffering. Only by carrying the Cross can one reach the Resurrection."— Ven. Fulton J. Sheen

Fraternal Correction and Silence

(Image Source: Wikimedia Commons)

The practice of fraternal correction assumes several factors.  First, a sin has been committed and it can be identified. Second, a person of goodwill and moral rectitude comes forward to make the correction. Third, other persons and the Church must be willing to intervene if called upon. Fourth, the Church has the courage to remove a recalcitrant sinner from  the  ranks of  the faithful  until  the sinner  repents.  Clarity  of thought, purity of intention and courage to take the right (and at times difficult) course of action will help sinners repent of their transgression and lead souls to Christ. 

'In the end, action must be taken because all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.' - Edmund Burke

Father Jerome Magat 

1 comment:

He Was Not Off The Mark, Was He?