
Showing posts from February, 2013

Are We Comatose or Just Suffering From Amnesia?

(From the Introduction to Forgotten Truths To Set Faith Afire! Words to Challenge, Inspire and Instruct ) “After 20 centuries of miracles from Cana to Fatima, after 20 centuries of martyrs, after 20 centuries of sanctity in every walk of life, after centuries of intellectual brilliance (Augustine, Aquinas, Bonaventure, Scotus), after all the truth that has been poured out by the Fathers, Doctors and ecclesiastical writers, by the 20 Ecumenical Councils of the Church, the infallible pronouncements of our Pontiff…after all this, the world is as pagan today as when Christ was born and had to flee. Perhaps more so... God, in his world today, is as hidden to most people as he was when in Egypt 's exile.” Father M. Raymond, O.C.S.O. made these observations in a 1954 book entitled, “God, A Woman and the Way”. This gifted Cistercian priest warned us then that we Catholics were suffering from amnesia – that we had forgotten the purpose of our lives and much of what i...

Some Comments From Readers

From Mike at A Christian Perspective on Life I was able to download this book for free over Christmas break. This is a spiritual guide book that is probably best used as a reference as opposed to reading it straight through like a normal book as I did. He set up the book by topic and provided numerous helpful quotes from a variety of sources such as the Catechism of the Catholic Church, popes, and saints. This book will be a nice one to have on my kindle for times when I want to read some helpful quotes from the great Catholic thinkers on a particular issue. It is currently selling on Amazon for under $1. Hard to beat that deal.     Enhance Your Faith by Bernie Conklin I recently read FORGOTTEN TRUTHS TO SET FAITH AFIRE! by Mr. Michael Seagriff O.P. The book is easy to read and difficult to put down. I believe Mr. Seagriff to be a man whose faith governs every aspect of his life. In addition, he is an excellent writer. While the book is geared toward th...
The Origins of “Forgotten Truths To Set Faith Afire! – Words To Challenge, Inspire and Instruct” Over the past fifteen years, God placed a tremendous hunger in my heart to study the Truths of our Catholic Faith. During that time, I highlighted and made photocopies of thousands of passages from various articles and books that had opened my eyes, stirred my soul and spoke to my heart. Much of what I have read, I had written on index cards and stored them in my desk drawer. Periodically re-reading this collection of timeless truths from Sacred Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, as well as from the spiritual insight of Popes, Church Doctors, Saints, bishops, priests, sinners and regular folk has had a significant impact on my life and spiritual journey. Although I did not gather these quotations with the intent of compiling them into a book, I came to realize that many Catholics do not hear, know or live the fundamental truths of their Faith. Others are prompted...