Ponder These Truths Now Before The Hour of Death
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O Christian soul, what will be your sentiments at the hour of death
with regard to this world and all its perishable goods, vain honors, false
riches and cheating pleasures. Alas! The
world must then end in your regard. It
will turn upside down before your eyes, and you will begin to see the
nothingness of all those things on which you had here set your heart.
How will you then despise all worldly honors
and preferences when you see yourself at the brink of the grave, where the worm
will make no distinction between the king and the beggar. How little account, will you then make of the
esteem of men, who then will think no more of you.
How will you undervalue your riches, which
now must be left behind you, when six feet of earth and a coffin and a shroud
will be all your possession. How
despicable will all worldly pleasures seem to you, which at the best could never give you any true satisfaction, and now fly from you and dissolve
into smoke in your sight!
Ah, my poor soul, enter now into the same sentiments,
which you shall certainly have at the hour of your death! Thus, and only thus, you shall be out of
danger of being imposed upon by this deceitful world.
Bishop Richard
I am amazed at how quiet death is. There is no announcement, no bands play, the world goes on...but a last breath is taken and a life ends. All the drama ceases and a soul goes on.