"Put your heart at His feet. It is the gift He loves most."— St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Come Nearer To Perfection

(Image Source: Wikimedia Commons)

"Know that the salvation, the perfection of My servants stands on this one thing, that they do My will alone, ever striving to fulfill it in all things; that they attend to Me, and serve Me every moment of their lives.  The more diligently they apply themselves to this, the nearer they approach perfection…"

Jesus to St. Catherine of Siena

Sanctification of the Moment

A conscience burdened with the guilt of past sins is fearful of divine judgment.  But God in His mercy has given us two remedies for such an unhappiness. One is the Sacrament of Penance, which blots out the past by remission of sins and lightens the future by our hope for divine mercy through continued repentance and amendment of our lives…The second remedy for the ills that come to us from thinking about time is what might be called the sanctification of the moment – or the Now.  Our Lord laid down the rule for us in these words: “So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today” (Mt 6:34).  This means that each day has its own trials; we are not to borrow troubles from tomorrow because that day too will have its cross.  We are to leave the past to divine mercy and to trust the future, whatever its trials, to God’s loving providence.  Each minute of life has its peculiar duty – regardless of the appearance that minute may take.  The Now-moment is the moment of salvation.  Each complaint against it is a defeat; each act of resignation to it is a victory. 

Venerable Fulton J. Sheen

He Who First Looked At Us

"We follow the monstrance in procession or gaze upon it in adoration.  For we are looking at the One who first looked at us in our lowliness in a way that no one has ever looked at us before."

Father Peter Cameron, O.P.

He Was Not Off The Mark, Was He?