"To give ourselves to God in prayer is to find a door in our heart unlocking and opening to the hearts of other people." - Father Donald Haggerty

The Virtue Of Hope - Seek It


(Photo©Michael Seagriff)

In hope man relies on God's goodness and power to bring man to the possession of God Himself…Hope makes us cling to God as the source of our happiness, the goodness and power from which we hope to receive happiness…The object of hope is eternal life – the vision of God…The virtue of hope moves man to the pursuit of God Himself.  It can be found, then only in the will…[S]ince hope moves man to seek God, neither the saints in heaven, nor the damned in hell can have hope.  The Saints have no hope, because they already possess God…The damned in Hell have no hope, because they have already lost God and know that they can never possess Him. 

Walter Farrell, O.P., S.T.M. and Martin J. Healy, S.T.D. 

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