"To give ourselves to God in prayer is to find a door in our heart unlocking and opening to the hearts of other people." - Father Donald Haggerty

Think You Have No Time to Pray?

Sometimes our thinking is too rigid or too limited in scope.  Venerable Fulton J. Sheen opens our minds and hearts to new possibilities:

(Image source: Wikimedia Commons)

"To work is to pray.  The well-regulated life does not defer prayer until work has been accomplished; it turns work itself into a prayer.  We accomplish this when we turn to God at the beginning and completion of each task and mentally offer it up for love of Him.  Then…the task is sanctified.  No amount of piety in leisure hours can compensate for slipshod labor on the job.  Any honest task, well done, can be turned into a prayer."

(Venerable Fulton J. Sheen from Way To Happiness)

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