"To give ourselves to God in prayer is to find a door in our heart unlocking and opening to the hearts of other people." - Father Donald Haggerty

We Lay Folk Have Dropped The Ball

(Image Source: Wikimedia Commons)

"By fulfilling their civic duties, guided by a Christian conscience, in conformity with its values, the lay faithful exercise their proper task of infusing the temporal order with Christian values, all the while respecting the nature and rightful autonomy of that order, and cooperating with other citizens according to their particular competence and responsibility. 

The consequence of this fundamental teaching of the Second Vatican Council is that the lay faithful are never to relinquish their participation in “public life”, that is, in the many different economic, social, legislative, administrative and cultural areas, which are intended to promote organically and institutionally the common good. 

This would include the promotion and defense of good such as public order and peace, freedom and equality, respect for human life and for the environment, justice and solidarity."

Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

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He Was Not Off The Mark, Was He?